
To establish laboratory assignments is problematic since, on one side, the equipment needed for them is expensive and time consuming, and, on the other side, not all the centres have labs and often they are not properly equipped. However, the new technologies offer us, through remote laboratories, a set of practices for the student-researcher at a low cost and with multiple real-time experiments that may improve the quality of the teaching/learning process.

Science demands practical knowledge to check, by means of the scientific method, what the theory states and thus to develop the competences needed to understand natural phenomenon that occur around us. Thus, it is important to access to real experiences (not simulated ones) by means of remote labs, where tools such as Internet 2.0 are needed and a computer with the required software and hardware, without demanding the physical presence of the student-researcher. They can use and control the laboratory resources through the network. Consequently, a didactic vision of science is provided.

The Module consists of two parts:

(1) statistic support, provided basic information how to work with large collection of the laboratory results and observation.

(2) The practical "From an egg to a baby chick" - remote experiment exercises in connection to the  exiting theory. The theory material is not new for teacher, but its presentation shows bond between the theory and comprehensive tool  - remote laboratory, that is new approach for the most of teachers.


IDevice Icon Objectives

(1)      Apply a scientific method as a fundamental element of any observation study

(2)      Get to know the incubation of birds process

(3)      Use of ICT to obtain information and images

(4)      Promote the use of different communication types

(5)      Share the information among the distinct groups that conforms a project, both within a class or within distinct work levels.

(6)     Foster cross-culturalism through connections with other country centres ...

IDevice Icon Worked competences

Ø      Mathematical competence: use of measures (length, surface, volume, temperature...)

Ø      Communication competence  (search for information, explain such information, place all the information in a dossier ...)

Ø      Information management and digital competence (search for information, scientific report generation, usage of the centre's web page)

Ø      Social and civic compentence. Group work among students of a course, section, decision making, involve different classes and levels ...

Ø      Knowledge and interaction with the physical world both spatial and temporal (incubation process understanding and embryonic development of an egg) competences

Ø      Learn to build competences: search for information, solution seeking ...

Ø      Initiative and entrepreneur values: Plan and develop a project, transform the ideas into activities, search for solutions to undertake activites.