Analog circuits measurements
In general, an electrical circuit
represents a closed loop, which
provides the current return path,
and consists, in most
cases of power source, wires, a
fuse, a load and a switch.
Electronic circuits can be divided in three major categories:
circuits that process signals
continuously variable over time and
/ or frequency;
circuits that processes signals that may, typically,
consists only 2 values corresponding to
binary digits 0
and 1;
circuits that process both analog and digital signals.
Analog circuits are electronics
systems which have a continuously variable signal. This describes a
proportional relationship between the signal and the voltage or the current that
is representing the signal.
Here students
and teachers can find out together, in an interesting way, what electricity is,
how is produced, how it works and the most important thing…where and how any of
us can produce it even without being conscious.
Have fun !